Nikolaus Piper was born in 1952 in Hamburg. He studied Economics and he is currently a correspondent in New York for the renowned German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. He has published several books about Economics and he has been awarded with the Quandt Journalism Award and the Ludwig Erdhard Award, among others.
Money, Banks, stock markets and the world market are not as modern as they look like. Those who want to understand these concepts must learn about their history. Nikolaus Piper takes the reader in a journey through time, starting from the first barter of objects and ending with the questioned “global trade” of the current times. In 31 short, easy to understand, chapters, Piper narrates the history of the world through the history of economics.
Data and numbers are offered and economists and thinkers, such as the Fugger, Rotschild, Adam Smigh and Karl Marx, are introduced to us.
This book, by an expert narrator, shows how exciting the history of economics can be.
Recommended by S.O.L. (Orientation to Readers Service).
Awarded with the German Award to science spreading books for young adults.