In 100 questions with their answers, this work helps those that are between 8 and 11 years old with their worries and expectations. For understanding better topics such as love stories among adult people, the pregnancy, your own body… and feel at ease with the changes that are expected.
From what age can you fall in love?
Is having your penis hard in the morning normal?
Does puberty produce any pain?
What is the period?
What do adult people do when they are making love?
What does the baby do inside the mother’s belly?
What is a sonography?
Is the birth painful?
In 150 questions, this work is the answer to the worries and expectations that those aged between 11 and 14 years old have. For knowing your changing body better, your first love feelings, for learning how to get to know the other one and understanding concepts such as contraception, fertilization…
Each age has its own questions about love, sexuality, birth:
Why the spots on my face?
How do you know that you are in love?
Is it a lottery to be born a girl or a boy?
What do you should do if you think you are being stalked?
Can the first period happen at any time?
Which are the first pregnancy symptoms?
What does being a HIV-positive mean?
What is the reason why boys’ voices change during puberty?
When you are hooking up… does it mean that you are in love?