Jürg Schubiger Zurich (1936-2014). He studied German Philology, Psychology and Philology, and wrote his PhD dissertation about Franz Kafka. He has been working in Zurich since 1980 as a teacher and psychotherapist.
Jürg Schubiger writes both for children and adults.
In 1996 he was awarded with the German Children’s Literature Award and in 2008 with the Hans Christian Andersen Award.
Jürg Schubiger and Rotraut Susanne Berner tell us about a place and a time where Death was completely unknown. People did not even know Death’s name.
“Death? You have never heard about that. There was no “last hour” in those days. There were the second, the third, the thousandth hour… there were always one more hour. Hours and hours… hours even there where the horizon drifts away. In those days, everything kept beautiful and intact. However, one day Death arrives as a stranger, passing through the village, or rather, He tripped himself while he is arriving at the village, since he is so clumsy… So clumsy that children laugh at him. So clumsy that, at night, while smoking laying on a bale of hay, He accidentally burn the house up. In the morning, Death, crying, blame himself in despair: What have I just done again?
The reticent text by Jürg Schubiger, so brilliant and touching, and clear, intelligent pictures by Rotraut Susanne Berne work together in this picture book to show us how Death not only feels suffering but also mercy and consolation.
"This new picture book by Jürg Schubiger and Rotraut Susanne Berner brings that bittersweet taste good books have: first, we feel that something really important has been told to us; on the other hand, we know that there are many other things in the book apart from those we noticed the first time we read it. Children who read this story (...) will know more about society and the world than many adults do" (Babar Magazine).
“It is a great achievement to tell us so easily something like this: what has an end is what gives life and takes life” (Tagesanzeiger).