Authors flecha Armin Greder

Armin Greder was born in Switzerland and in 1971 he emigrated to Brisbane (Australia). He has worked as a graphic designer and currently he is giving lectures to Art students and illustrating picture books.

Armin Greder wrote: “I learnt how to draw at school. Not in Art class, but during my boredom in Mathematics, Language and Domestic Economy classes. There, on the back of my notebooks, I would draw Genghis Kans, pirates, Arab sheiks, Tibetan monks… They needed to have their own horses, ships, camels, yaks… they had to be drawn in the right position, in such a way that they looked as if they were alive. And they had to be properly drawn, in such a way that I believed in my drawings. So, by means of these drawings, I could escape from the boredom of the classroom and chasing Genghis Kan, the pirates, the Arab sheiks and the Tibetian monks, I could follow them through their wonderful adventures in faraway places. Now, I illustrate picture books. Instead of drawing Genghis Kans, pirates, Arab sheiks or Tibetian monks, I draw angry children, big dogs, huge guys, little girls that don’t want to go to bed, medieval princess that don’t want to get married, bears, starry skies… so, when he open those books up and when we read them, we can enter those stories and live in them while we are reading. And they can live inside us even after we have finished reading them, and they can help us to understand ourselves better”.

Other books by this author

One morning, the inhabitants of the island find a man laying on the beach, where tide has dragged his raft to. Although the people take the man in, deep fears regarding this strange man prevail in them and, finally, they make a drastic decision.

“Concerning picture books, these books do not have an age, and this is an excellent sample” (Educación y Biblioteca Review).


"... the book challenges the reader to deal with a complex issue, bringing children, young people and adults closer to a work of art that encourages reflection. A man on our shore is someone different; it is up to ourselves to react and get closer to him without any prejudice, ideology, disapproval or fear. You might be the other one when you least expect it” (Pez Linterna).



- Catholic Award to Children and Young Adult’s Book in 2003, awarded by German Episcopal Conference

- 7 best books in April 2002 list, selected by Deutschland Radio and Focus Review

-Luchs des Monats (lynx of the month), in April 2002, awarded by Die Zeit Magazine and Bremen Radio.

- Eule des Monats (owl of the month), in April 2002, awarded by Bulletin Monatsmagazin

PRICE: 13.6 €

One morning, the inhabitants of the island find a man laying on the beach, where tide has dragged his raft to. Although the people take the man in, deep fears regarding this strange man prevail in them and, finally, they make a drastic decision.


“Concerning picture books, these books do not have an age, and this is an excellent sample” (Educación y Biblioteca Review).



- Catholic Award to Children and Young Adult’s Book in 2003, awarded by German Episcopal Conference

- 7 best books in April 2002 list, selected by Deutschland Radio and Focus Review

-Luchs des Monats (lynx of the month), in April 2002, awarded by Die Zeit Magazine and Bremen Radio.

- Eule des Monats (owl of the month), in April 2002, awarded by Bulletin Monatsmagazin

PRICE: 13.6 €
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