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Girls' book
Growing up and becoming an adult
Sylvia Schneider
Bookbinding: paperback
Size: 13,5 x 21 cms
ISBN: 978-84-85334-80-3
Edition number: 4th edition
Age: 11 years old and up
PRICE:  9.83 €

Puberty is a period in a girl’s life in which everything change and everything is questioned. And it is, at the same time, a period of new experiences.

This book provides answers for the numerous questions young girls have at this crucial moment in their lives.

It deals not only with the body changes, with a long chapter that focuses on sexuality, but also with the feelings and emotions, such as love, friendship…

It also offers advice about studying a degree and choosing an occupation. But this book aims, above all, to provide self-confidence and a sense of responsibility for young girls that are slowly becoming adults.

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Sylvia Schneider

They watch porn, they speak carelessly about sex and life, but, actually, many teenagers are afraid of a lot of things, such us the bitterness of their own feelings, their new relationships with other people, or the future. They are afraid their bodies don’t develop in the usual way and they will be not handsome enough. They are afraid of disappointing the other sex, of the sexuality that is awakening inside them.

They dream of a romantic relationship and of a true great love, and their ideas about their future occupations and lifestyles are more practical than dreamy.


An essential book to help boys get over their adolescence without any trauma.

“An openly focused book with an admirable clarity of explanation, that based its statements on self-confidence and personal freedom, without avoiding any topic… A serious and respectful book with valuable information for those that are no longer children and for those parents that do not realize it” (Qué leer).

PRICE: 10.81 €
For Your Interest
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