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Jutta Bauer
Translate by Núria Ventura
ISBN: 978-84-89804-76-0
Edition number: 2nd edition
PRICE:  12.3 €

Edición en catalán de "Madrechillona".

En una ocasión, la madre del pequeño pingüino se puso furiosa y le gritó terriblemente. Después se arrepintió y dijo: “¡Perdón!”


" un libro delicioso para los más pequeños: la historia no puede decir más con menos palabras" (Ana Garralón en Educación y Biblioteca".






"Madrechillona es una pequeña joya, tanto por su contenido como por su presentación" (Paco Abril en La oreja verde).


"Madrechillona es una oferta literaria a niños muy pequeños, que les propone iniciarse en la metáfora. En este caso, una metáfora de las emociones logra, con acierto, belleza (y sin edulcorantes) presentar un aspecto complejo de la experiencia humana y nuestra relación con los otros" (María Cecilia Silva-Díaz en Barbar).





- Eule des Monats del mes de Diciembre, otorgado por la redacción deL Bulletin Jugend & Literatur.

- Premio Austríaco al libro del mes de Febrero de 2001 .

- Premio Alemán al Libro Infantil (álbum) 2001.

- Seleccionado por el Gremi de Llibreters de Catalunya para el Premio Llibreter 2001, álbum il.lustrat.

- Seleccionado por la Fundación GSR y la CEGAL para el catálogo “Libros con dos miradas”.


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“Queen of the colours and Screamingmother are among the best works published during the last years” (Bulletin Jugend und Literatur).

“… This is a masterpiece of style, in which the illustrator makes the best of her simple, but effective and suggestive, lines. A book for all ages. (CLIJ Notebooks of Children and Young Adult’s Literature).

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Grandpa's angel
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- The best five books of 2012 award, translation category, given by Banco del Libro

- IBBY Honour List 2004

- Catholic award to Books for Children and Young-Adults 2001, given by German Episcopal Conference

-Vlag in wimpel Award 2002 (Holland)

- Classified for the German Books for Children Award 2002

- Luchs (Die Zeit) Award. September 2002

- Selected in “best edited books in 2011”. Children and Young Adult’s Literature Section (Germany)

- Austrian award to children books of November.

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- The Peter Pan Prize Silver Star 2003 (IBBY Sweden/Book and Library Fair,


- Selected by UNESCO to International Children’s Literature Prize




“Some books are gifted, they have a special kind of talent that makes them extraordinary. Grandpa’s angel is one of them. (Paco Abril in La Oreja Verde).


“… A very special picture book” (CLIJ, Children’s and Young Adults’ Literature Notebooks).


“… a delicious piece of graphic craftwork in which Jutta Bauer shows again her incredible talent.” (Teresa Durán in El Periódico).


“There are so few occasions with such a close and suggestive bond between text and pictures as this book, which should not go unnoticed, has got… A wonderful picture book, not only for children, but also for their parents” (Ana Garralón in Educación y Biblioteca).

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portada Madrechillona
Jutta Bauer

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“… this is a charming book for the youngest: the story couldn’t say more with fewer words” (Ana Garralón, in Educación y Biblioteca).


Screamingmother is a small jewel, not only because of its contents but also because of its appearance” (Paco Abril in La Oreja Verde).


"Screamingmother is a literary offer to Young children that introduce them to metaphors. In this case, this metaphor about feelings successfully, beautifully (and without any sweetener) achieves to introduce a complex aspect related to human experience and our relationships with the others. (María Cecilia Silva-Díaz in Babar).




- Eule des Monats of December, awarded by Bulletin Jugend & Literatur editorial office.

- Austrian Award to the best book of February, 2001

- German Award to the best children’s book (picture book), 2001.

- Selected by Cremi de Llibreters de Catalunya to Llibreter Prize 2001, álbum il.lustrat.

- Selected by GSR Foundation and CEGAL to contribute to the catalogue “books with two looks”.

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Simply you
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

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A wonderful book that helps to shoo children’s fears away before going to bed. Besides, it clarifies how to say “good night” in Latin, Italian, French, English and German.



And those children that are keen on music can listen to the song in our website, while following the score at the end of the book.




“… the text, with its sometimes scatological touch of fun, shows a little girl who is woken up by a bull that carries the moon as horns… Delicious and humorous watercolour by Bauer… illustrate this non-sense story that moves between dreams and reality” (CLIJ, June 2006).

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Jutta Bauer

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“Jutta Bauer is one of the authors that understand the childhood feelings the best… This time, she has decided to show special moments and routines to deal with the topic of happiness… Seven scenarios in which this author makes it clear that laugh is the most identifying element in a child’s happiness” (SOL).

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Emma llora
Emma cries
Jutta Bauer

Sometimes, under some circumstances, the Little bear Emma also cries, like, for example, when mom gets angry with her or when, she doesn’t know why, the ice cream falls to the ground, or when she has to sleep with the light off. But Emma will finally find relief in her mom’s lap.




Jutta Bauer understands the feelings of the youngest children and makes them to share their tears and laughs with a deep sensibility and artistic ability.

PRICE: 7.98 €
Emma come
Emma eats
Jutta Bauer

In your belly, pants and nose, that sauce dirty a lot.
How good! How sweet! How fun!

What about you? What do you like best?

Emma, by Jutta Bauer:

The best bear friend for the youngest.

PRICE: 7.98 €
Emma en casa
Emma at home
Jutta Bauer

Outside is raining and freezing cold
I better have a snack and stay at home
The kitchen, the bathroom, the kids bedroom…
How does your home look like?


Emma, by Jutta Bauer:

The best bear friend for the youngest.



Recommended by S.O.L.


PRICE: 7.98 €
A small house in the forest
Jutta Bauer

The deer hosts everybody in his home: the little rabbit and the little fox, and even the hunter with his dog.

Once more, Jutta Bauer offers a sample of her artistic creativity, with a caring basis. A beautiful and tender book for the youngest children.



“A Little wonder with all pages in paperboard, like picture books for the youngest of the family, but in this case it does not contain easy elements to identify, but high concepts to understand (Àngel Burgas e Ignasi Blanch, El Punt Avui)

(read the full review)





"An interesting message of solidarity and tolerance at the youngest reader’s reach, in the shape of a beautiful story told by means of wonderful drawings and easily readable sentences” (CLIJ Magazine)

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foto de cubierta
I went through hell
Jutta Bauer

Jutta Bauer’s witty humour takes us to the very same gates of hell to discover that it is not like we thought it was. Maybe hell is not as far as we thought.

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A life like any other
Kirsten Boie

This man was also a child in the past, logically. We all were children once. He used to live with his parents in a nice apartment by then. After the school, he got a job. He used to get up early every moring to go to work. Later, this man had his own family, and that was a beautiful time. But, after that, he started to have bad luck.

"A life like any other" narrates the story of a homeless man in a very sensitive way.


By buying this book you are supporting "Caritas"



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The king's messenger
Jutta Bauer

The king’s secret message must be urgently taken to the neighbor kingdom and no one can do it better than the king’s messenger. However, on his way there, the messenger can’t help stopping to help the characters that he comes across with.

Once again, Jutta Bauer, awarded with the Andersen Prize 2010, tells us an apparently simple story with a solidarity background, where many different readings can be made.

“With her well defined stroke and soft colors, Jutta Bauer creates this curious story that starts in an easy way, but it takes a more complex shape as it’s developed. Because this is a story about growth, where the hero confronts new and unexpected situations, meets and interacts with unknown beings and even experiences feelings he had never felt before. But The king’s messenger also deals with the importance of narration: it seems that the king is sending his messenger to this trip only for him to gather new experiences and he can later tell him about them (…). We have in our hands a new little jewel from Jutta Bauer” (Boolino).

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Emma's Christmas
Jutta Bauer

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We have here a new title in Emma's beautiful collection of experiences, the little bear created by Jutta Bauer's great pen.

PRICE: 7.98 €
Emma plays outside
Jutta Bauer
Emma, the little bear, loves to play outside,
it doesn't matter if the day is rainy, cold or windy!
Nothing can stop her,
it is so much fun to go out!

Go with Emma, Jutta Bauer's little bear,
through the world of the littlest ones.
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¿Te acuerdas? - cub
Do you remember when...?
Zoran Drvenkar

An outstanding picture book that narrates the unique moments of childhood, those magic moments in which you see, smell, feel, live and do things consciously and for the first time.

This book is about the wonders that can only be experienced by those who look at the world with eyes full of fascination. A book both for children and adult readers.

“The year has just started, but here it is the most beautiful book…”(Frakfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, FAZ)


“… By means of two poetic and subtle picture levels, the story brings back memories of happy days and full of imagination journeys, back in that time when the two main characters had no hurry and the hands of the clock were pointless for them (…). This is an exciting life journey powered by the passion of a unique artist who is able to perfectly express the spirit of freedom, emotion and purity linked to the days the main couple yearns for, rekindling the very same feelings while holding hands many years later.”(Canal Lector).

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La reina dels colors - cub
Queen of the colours
Jutta Bauer

“… A book with two readings: the story of a colourless queen which has to find out the colours by herself in order to be happy. In addition, it is a book about the discovery of colours, about the pleasure of drawing freely, about the relationship between the basic colours and their blends” (Die Zeit).

“Queen of the colours and Screamingmother are among the best works published during the last years” (Bulletin Jugend und Literatur).

“… This is a masterpiece of style, in which the illustrator makes the best of her simple, but effective and suggestive, lines. A book for all ages. (CLIJ Notebooks of Children and Young Adult’s Literature).

PRICE: 12.79 €
Gato Liam - portada
Gato Liam
Jutta Bauer
Soy un gato en su mejor momento: soy grande, hermoso y rojo atigrado. He estado observando a las personas durante muchos años y, a decir verdad, son bastante extrañas... ¡Está claro que no entienden lo suficiente sobre la vida!

"Una simpática aproximación al universo gatuno relatado en primera persona por todo un experto a partir de largos años de vida en común con el género humano, escrito e ilustrado por la célebre artista alemana Jutta Bauer" (Canal Lector).

Haz clic aquí para hojear las primeras páginas

PRICE: 10 €
Emma en el zoo - portada
Emma en el zoo
Jutta Bauer
Un animal tan grande come de la pequeña mano de Emma. ¿Dónde se encuentra Emma? Emma está en el zoo con su papá. ¿Qué animales descubre?
Acompaña a Emma en su visita al Zoo.

Emma, la mejor amiga osa para los más pequeños.

Haz clic aquí para hojear las primeras páginas
PRICE: 7.98 €
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Jutta Bauer ha obtenido el Premio Andersen de Ilustración 2010
Jutta Bauer
Vídeo de la entrevista a la autora e ilustradora alemana Jutta Bauer, ganadora del Premio Andersen de Ilustración 2010.
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Bajo el lema "La garantía de tus derechos donde elijas vivir", el 28 de enero se celebra el Día del Bibliobús en España.
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"Un nuevo título de Lóguez Medioambiental que promueve el debate y reclama la participación de los niños y las niñas en la búsqueda de soluciones. El libro merece un sitio en las bibliotecas de nuestro país, especialmente en las escolares y familiares".
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