"When Ari said to her mom: - Mom, what is a metaphor?, she answered: - Honey, that word is still too big for you”.
That’s the beginning of little Ari’s adventure, where she decides to solve the misteries of the words she doesn’t know and fondly keeps them in her box of words, until the magic day comes when she is ready to know their meanings.
“A great book about curiosity, growth, the love for collections so linked to childhood, vocabulary, language, listening and playing. The discovery of the world around us and, of course, the language. The impatience to growing up. That tense wait” (Biblioteca de los Elefantes).
“…Eva Vázquez’s illustrations enrich the text (…) Suggestive book to read and look at more than once. It can also encourage playing with words and using the dictionary” (Canal Lector).
“The box of words is a magnificent picture album where Mar Benegas’ text and Eva Vázquez’s illustrations perfectly complement each other to bring to life this story about love for language, for words and, by extension, for literature” (Boolino).
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LIBER 2024
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