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W.A. Mozart
a musical picture book
Ernst A. Ekker
Illustrations by Doris Eisenburger
Bookbinding: hardcover
Size: 24,3 x 30m5 cms
Attached document : Contiene un CD con piezas musicales de Mozart
ISBN: 978-84-89804-28-9
Edition number: 3rd edition
Age: 10 years old and up
PRICE:  21.15 €

This picture book, for all the family, narrates the most relevant events in musician and composer Wolfgang Amadé Mozart’s life: The gifted child that, accompanied by his sister Nannerl, travelled around Europe to give concerts; his relationship with his ambitious father, who knew how to cleverly sell his son’s talent; his passion for music, his endless pleasure for composing and his special love for the Opera.


The suggestive text by Ernst A. Ekker and Doris Eisenburger’s pictures bring life to Mozart and to the age when he lived: We see the artist’s everyday life, his frequent, boring, journeys, his dependence on the job assignments, but also the shine of the splendid parties and successful concerts and theater representations.


This book contains a CD with some pieces of music, which have been specially selected for children and that are associated with double pages from the book.


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